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About Denise

Denise loves to encourage people to pursue their dreams, and purpose that God has for their life.  Through this ministry she endeavors to promote prosperity of the soul to a closer walk with GOD, through teaching, prayer, mentoring, coaching, writing and evangelism. The Total U Enrichment Center is a nonprofit 501c3 organization and through this organization she endeavors to enrich children, teens and young adults through mentoring and coaching to reach Wholeness, Wellness, Wisdom (education) and Wealth.


Denise is from Indianapolis IN, and now resides in Texas.  Denise is an ordained Preacher/Teacher, conference & motivational speaker, Christian comedian (aka Mother Pearl), author, published poet and radio host of “It’s A Different Show” on  The Broadcast can be heard on the internet by logging into Blog Talk Radio ( or by using the Guest call in # 1-347-826-9658.)  Denise is also the Editor-in-Chief of The VOICE Newsletter, a quarterly publication for all people, written from a Christian perspective.  V.O.I.C.E. stands for Victory Overcoming Insurmountable Chaos Every-Time. Listen to her morning meditation called Wisdom Wednesday with Mother Pearl and Nanna Pearl on Denise is also the founder and CEO of Denise Bryson Ministries and The Total U Enrichment Center.  Denise has a Master’s Degree in Public Administration, holds a certificate as a Certified Fraud Examiner, is a certified Professional Life Coach and has a certification in Christian Counseling. 


Denise is a published author of "Loves Reality based on the book The Things That Cross My Mind." New Project Sex Lies and Soul Ties January 2017, Her poetry can also be found in Star in Our Hearts and Best Poets and Poems of 2011. Check out The Author Denise Bryson at  The Things That Cross My Mind Publishing

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